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About This Website


The idea behind this website is from a few of the great opportunities I was able to take advantage of and that Cannon offers. One of the most memorable things I have experienced at Cannon was Winterm. For those of you who don't know Winterm was the week after winter break where we had to opportunity to take two classes or a full day experience that covered things not typically offered at school. My first few years it just seemed like I got to try something new but now, as I think about college and what I might want to do I realized how great Winterm was. Winterm was, for me, a once a year time where I actually had time set out to try new things or things I had wanted to do and didn't have time for or never would have tried in a million years.


My goal in creating this website is to give you a more convenient way to experience what I experienced through Winterm. But I want this to be something for you which is why I sent out that survey. This is by no means a finished product and I hope that one day it can expand and encompasse a little bit of everything for everyone. 

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